Version 3.0.704
- Upgraded Add-in Express library to support the latest version of Excel.
- Fixed bug - text could not be typed into fields in task panes (affected Windows 10 release 1903 users only).
Version 2.1.908
- Added: Registers BreezeTree digital certificate in user's Trusted Publishers store.
Version 2.1.831
- Fixed: Minor bug in setup file.
Version 2.1.828
- Updated: Combined 32-bit and 64-bit versions into a single setup.
Version 2.0
- Upgrade: Added support for Excel 2016.
Version 1.5.708
- Updated: Added additional error handling and reporting.
Version 1.5.122: We will no longer be supporting Windows XP. Microsoft has discontinued support for the .NET 4.0 framework, which is the highest version of the .NET framework supported by XP. Spreadspeed relies on features of the .NET framework that are only available in version 4.0 and later, therefore we are migrating to .NET 4.5, which is supported on Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 8.1 through the Windows Update system.
Version 1.4.922
- Fixed: Window ordering when using the Range Selector. Fixed issue where, after using the Range Selector and then closing a Spreadspeed form, Excel may be hidden behind other windows.
Version 1.4.922
- Added: Reverse concatenation order option to the merge columns and merge rows tools.
Version 1.4.915
- Fixed: Read error for empty cells caused Table operations to abort without notification., and .
- Fixed: Skipped output columns for Table operations.
- Fixed: Duplicate row output in Table joins.
- Fixed: Bug in numeric operations when handling cells with Accounting and Currency formats.
- Added: Extract text from shapes feature now supports text in Freeform shapes (Excel 2007 and later versions only).
Version 1.4.817
- Modified: Split Load Dependents and Load Precedents into separate operations in the Dependency Navigator tool.
- Improved: Significant performance improvement of the Dependency Navigator tools.
Version 1.4.728
- Improved: Formula dependency load times and memory footprint.
- Fixed: Miscellaneous minor bugs.
Version 1.4.518
- Improved: Speed of table query operations (over 10X in some cases).
- Improved: Range selector in table query forms automatically trims column selections to include only rows with the used range.
Version 1.4.516
- Added: Classic Open - an open file dialog that provides more fine-grained control over Excel file browsing and acts as an alternative for the Excel 2013 open file screens.
- Added: Close All - closes all open workbooks in a single click.
- Added: Close All but Current - closes all open workbooks except the current (active) workbook.
- Fixed: Bug that caused the extract numeric values from text functions to return empty values for non-text cells (numbers and dates).
Version 1.4.512
- Added: When running Table tools, the output worksheet now matches the formatting of the first input table.
Version 1.4.511
- Added: Option to convert formulas to values for the Extract Columns from Table tool.
Version 1.4.510
Added: The following query tools for combining, extracting, and removing data from tables (and regular worksheet ranges):
- Join Tables
- Merge Tables
- Find Unmatched Rows
- Extract Columns
- Extract Filtered Rows
- Extract Duplicate Data
- Remove Hidden Rows
- Added: Extract Numbers from Text tool.
- Added: Quick navigation buttons to jump to home (A1), next unused row, and next unused column.
- Added: Help menu to Spreadspeed Auditor ribbon tab.
- Changed: Renamed the “Explore” section to “Navigation”.
- Improved: Workbook, worksheet, and range activation when using the range selector tool.
- Fixed: Loading problem for the task panes (side panels for Favorites, the Dependency Navigator, and the Hyperlinks Navigator). If any task pane was opened and closed, they would appear again when opening a another workbook. Now, they only open for the active workbook.
Version 1.3.424
- Added: Change Name Case tool for changing the capitalization of a lit of names.
- Added: Preset delimeter options for the contenate columns and rows forms.
- Changed: Renamed Append / Prepend to Add Prefix / Suffix.
- Fixed: If both Spreadspeed and FlowBreeze were installed, and then one add-in was uninstalled, the BreezeTree code signing certificate was uninstalled. Because the same certificate is used by both add-ins, this caused a security prompt to occur for the remaining add-in.
Version 1.3.414
- Added: Flag Inconsistent Formulas in Worksheet feature.
Version 1.2.404
- Fixed: Fixed range sorting and locating problems with the “Find range” tool in Formula Dependency Navigator.
- Changed: Redesigned the layout of the Formula Dependency Navigator.
Version 1.2.403