The Change Name Case tool will iterate over the cells in the selected range and apply common capitalization rules to the names.
Compound names have particles that indicate "of a family name" or "of a location". In most cases, they are lower case, such as the "von" in Maria von Trapp. In other cases, the capitalization rules for compound names are not uniform. "Van Der" and "van der", "Al-" and "al-", and "Ben-" and "ben-" are examples of compound name parts that are frequently capitalized or un-capitalized.
if the Do not capitalize compound name parts option is checked, all compound name parts are forced to lowercase.
(The one exception is "de La", where the "La" is capitalized by Spreadspeed.)
Names beginning with "Mac", such as MacDonalds, typically have the letter after Mac capitalized. However, there are many exceptions, plus some that are spelled either way - such as "MacIntire" or "Macintire". The Mac Exceptions list contains an initial list of Mac names that do not have the following letter capitalized. You can edit this list, with one name per line, to add or remove exceptions.
The Suffixes tab lists many common generational and professional name suffixes. You can edit this list, with one name per line, to add or remove suffixes. Many common suffixes, such as "Jr." do not need to be added to the list because they are capitalized by the normal name capitalization rules. You only need to include names that have all capitals (e.g., DDS for dentist) or mixed casing (e.g., PhD). Variants that include a period after each initial also do not need to be included because they are capitalized by the default capitalization rules, (e.g. D.D.S.).